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It is made by using various materials as insulation material. Among these materials, there are sound insulation sponges, mineral wool, glass wool, cork wool, polyurethane foam and similar materials. These materials can be used on walls, ceilings and floors. In addition, doors and windows can also be insulated using materials specially designed for Mechanıc Sound Insulation. The purpose of mechanical sound insulation is to block outside noise before it enters the interior. In this way, a quieter environment is provided indoors, increasing working efficiency and living comfort. You can also save energy thanks to insulation. You can provide a more effective insulation by making Mechanıc Sound Insulation of buildings that can be heat-insulated.
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Vizyonumuz : Her geçen gün değişen profilinin geliştirilmesi doğrultusunda,geniş bir alana uzmanlığını taşıyabileceği yurtiçi ve yurtdışı projelerinde, güçlü finansal sermayesi ve geçmiş deneyimlerinin desteği ile teknolojik gelişmelere duyarlı yaklaşımın getireceği sinerji ve değer sayesinde,şeffaf ve dinamik yapı ile müşteri memnuniyetini sağlamak ve sektöründe iyi bilinen,değerli bir marka olmak.Doğru zamanda,Doğru hizmet,doğru maliyet.
Çevreci Yaklaşımımız : Turkish Acoustic tüm çalışmalarında insan sağlığı, iş güvenliği ve çevreci yaklaşım ilkeleri her türlü ekonomik kazançtan önde tutulmaktadır. Turkish Acoustic , çevreyi gelecek nesillere aktarılacak bir emanet olarak görmektedir. Bu yüzden üretimin her aşamasında çevreyi ve ekolojik dengeyi korumayı ve böylece doğal kaynakların sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamayı hedeflemektedir.Dilek ve önerileriniz İçin turkishacoustic[@] eposta adresimize yazabilirsiniz, Fikirleriniz Bizim İçin Değerlidir…
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Mekanlarınızın : zemin , tavan ve duvarlarını uygulama yapacağınız yüzeyleri enlem ve boylam olarak ölçünüz. Daha sonra çıkan metrajları sağdaki kutucuklara yazarak uygulama yapılacak alanın toplam metra kare ölçüsünü yekün olarak hesaplayınız. Bu size gerekli malzeme sarfiyatını tam olarak belirleyecektir.
Noise, which is one of the most common types of pollution in our environment, also has negative effects on human health. High sound levels can cause hearing loss, sleep disturbances, concentration problems and even more serious health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Noise pollution can be a problem in workplaces, homes, schools, hospitals and many other areas. Besides, Noise And Echo Isolation is a sound phenomenon that occurs as a result of sound waves hitting and reflecting on a surface. Echo can often be a problem in large, high-ceilinged spaces, especially in concert halls, stadiums and churches. In this case, echo isolation is necessary. Soundproofing sponges are made specifically from high-density polyurethane foam and come in a variety of thicknesses and sizes. These sponges can be easily attached to walls, ceilings and floors. In addition, they are available in many different colors and patterns, so you will provide an aesthetic appearance in the area where you will use them.
It is one of the most widely used materials in acoustic arrangements. We design these products to absorb sound waves, reducing echo and preventing noise. Sound Insulation Sponges can be used in both homes and commercial buildings and are produced in different sizes and thicknesses. Thanks to their acoustic properties, they reduce echo by absorbing sound waves. Cells in these materials do not reflect sound waves by absorbing them. Thus, the sound waves are lost inside the material and help to reduce the echo. The thickness, density and shape of the sound insulation sponges determine how effective these sponges will be. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right material for sound insulation. You can use sound insulation sponges in many different areas. You can use it in homes that require sound insulation such as music rooms, studios and home theater rooms. In commercial buildings, they are widely used in areas such as offices, restaurants, movie theaters, conference rooms and concert halls. They are also used for sound insulation in factories, manufacturing plants and industrial plants. Sound Insulation Sponges are produced in different types. Generally, materials such as polyurethane foam, basalt wool, glass wool, nitrile rubber and melamine foam are used. Polyurethane foam sponges are the most commonly used type. These sponges are popular thanks to their affordable price and effective insulating properties.
These are our specially designed panels used for sound insulation and acoustic arrangement. These Panels are preferred to reduce noise or reduce echo. The use of our Acoustic Panels is generally common in industrial and commercial areas, but has also become popular in homes in recent years. These panels can also be preferred to obtain an aesthetic appearance. The structure of Acoustic Panels consists of many different materials. These materials include high-density polyurethane foam, glass wool, mineral wool and other similar materials. These materials are specially designed for their sound absorption properties. Our acoustic panels are available in different designs and sizes. They can be easily mounted on walls or ceilings. Thanks to the modular design, you can create unique designs by combining panels of different sizes and shapes. The use of our acoustic panels is beneficial in environments with high sound levels. These panels can be used in many different areas such as music studios, movie theaters, restaurants, meeting rooms and offices. In addition, they can be used in homes as well as in rooms with special needs such as children's rooms or bedrooms.
It is used to reduce echo and prevent noise. These Materials can be used in a variety of environments, such as offices, homes, schools and studios. Sound Insulation Materials are produced from different materials. These materials are used to block noise and reduce echo. Mineral wool is a material used in making most soundproofing products. It is a material formed by melting natural rocks. This material has better sound insulation properties than other materials used to block out noise. This material is effective for blocking out noise as it has high density. Polystyrene is an inexpensive material and is used to suppress noise in homes or offices. In addition, it is environmentally friendly. Sound Insulation Materials are available in different thicknesses and sizes. Which material to use is determined by the intended use and the environment. These materials are easily applicable and low cost. Sound insulation is important for hearing health, as well as enabling people to work and live in a comfortable environment.
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